Friday, April 12, 2013

Pictures worth a thousand words

Unconditional Love

True love is unconditional Love.
Love is the highest vibration and frequencies of the universe, the frequencies of the pure sources, the energy of creation.

I love everything, I love my enemy, in a universal view of oneness, I also love my hate, my vengeances, my anger to my enemy, I love and embrace all in compassion,  appreciate everything life offers in full flying color of emotion (energy- in motion), limitless spectrum of differences and divergences.
Differences is the color of Life in which is the beauty of the universe. Proofs of infinite potential, infinite abundant, infinite resources.
I love my enemies’ offences, their bullying, their insults, and their attacks also the most important I love my courage, will to act and fight. “How do you know about yourself if you never be in fight -Fight Club?”
I love the fear, I love the unknown, I love the uncomforting circumstances, I love experiencing the pain, the rejection, the discrimination, and all embraced by compassion, unconditional love at its truest.

I love my passion, I love what I want, I love expressing my freedom, and freedom of choices is our heritage. Universe provides us infinite resources and infinite abundances, have the right mindset, abundances mindset.
I love stepping outside my comfort zone, embrace the pain and be familiar with the unknown, experiences Life to the fullest.

The key to life is balance; embrace both sides, light and dark in unconditional love.
None is perfect, I am none, and therefore I am perfect. (Light vs dark; One vs None; male vs female)
Our subconscious is the truest unconditional love, it make no judgment between good and bad, between black and white. It just obeying and executing the imprint your mind and belief system created.

“What your conscious conceive, and your subconscious believe, it can achieves”
Our mind is 10% conscious and 90% unconscious (small vs Giant).
The miracle happens when our conscious thought are in alignment with our unconscious beliefs.
When our conscious are in conflict with our subconscious, subconscious always win.
When our Will are in conflict with our beliefs, our beliefs always prevail.
When our intention/desires are in conflict with our imagination, imagination always prevails.

Toward Mastery (theory vs practice)
Put all your knowledge and skill into practice and action, these skills/competences will internalizes into your core, it become your habits, it become your unconscious competences, true mastery.

Knowledge is power, understanding is wisdom.

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