Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Beginning of Journey and realization - toward shaping the hardcore GAME

“Men play the game; women know the score”
~ Roger Woddis

 You can live your boring life, or adventure! (Out of comfort zone to evolve, push the limit, break the boundaries) be familiar with unknown and uncomfort(anxiety, fear, etc)

"I love feeling uncomfortable and be familiar with it." - my new affirmation to conquer fear.
4 manliness virtues: Honor, Strength, courage, Mastery.
Courage: will to act & will to fight.

My Greatest sources of inspiration:

- PUA ( Venusian Artist, RSDNation, VK project Hollywood, Justin Wayne, Sasha Daygame, etc )

- SMGP: The LTR Game

- Unplugging from Matrix ( Fight Club, Matrix, Groundhog day, Thrive, The way of men, what the bleep, into the wild) : liberate and free ourself that are now  currently framed by emasculating Matrix: feminization of society, corporate instinct on men emasculation, culture & social conditioning that dictates betaness kingdom.

Arcm2w Project Mayhem, unplugged from Emasculating Matrix; out of comfort zone to evolve, self actualize, push the limits, and break the boundaries:

ü  Sarging (action; out of comfort zone)

ü  Hiking/touring (out of comfort zone: into the wild)

ü  Build social momentum (greet/talk to at least 10 strangers per day): for improving my Social Proof.

ü  Business/entrepreneurship : be great seller(value provider), have incentive to find & offer services becoming teachers for IT in secondary/pre,  
ü  Quest for masculinity/Alphaness : fight club, way of men, GANG & RANSU.
ü  Practising or acting the skills of Arcm2wEntertainer4Dream on friends, relatives, people I know, even better practise directly to strangers to push far more out the limit, out of comfort zone.

Dream, passions & goals:
ü  PUA
ü  Entertainer (Illusionist, Mentalist, hypnotist, guitarist)
ü  ICT experts.

SoSuave.com Don Juan forum
  • We are living in the Matrix. I am lucky I was unplugged and can now realize what's going on within this system.
  • Women are doing what they are allowed and programmed to do under this system. Me getting mad at them for what they do would be like getting mad at a lion for killing its prey. That's what lions do.
  • Me being unplugged means that I now have the freedom and wisdom to identify and eliminate the "bad ones" (or just pump & dump them) while concentrating my time, money and effort on candidates for "good ones."
  • Chumps will be chumps until they realize what they are and want to change. No one can help you but yourself. I became frustrated enough that I looked for a better way. And that's what intelligent men eventually do.

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